Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing is something related to our emotional wellbeing more than anything else. To understand healing, we need to understand emotions.

Life has equipped us with four basic types of emotions:
1- Fear
2- Anger
3- Sadness
4- Happiness

For the emotional mind, there are no other kinds of emotions. For our mental mind, there are hundreds of other emotions like jealousy, distrust, pride, hate, and so on. Actually, those emotions are only some sort of combination of the four basic emotions and with abstract concepts. But, why has life given us those emotions? Wouldn't it have been better if we only have the emotion of happiness, and nothing else?

There is an important reason why we have the emotion of fear, for example. Without having the emotion of fear we would not be able to run away so quickly when we face danger. And without the hormones that are released by anger, we wouldn't have so much power to fight against a beast. Sadness is expressed with tears and a dramatically crying voice. That has helped babes to survive. When they lose the presence of their mothers, they need to call her in a way that makes her understand that they are in need for help. The same thing happens with adults when they lose a loved person or a precious thing. Happiness is also important for survival, especially for mating. With the excitement's hormones released by happiness people were motivated to love each other, to have relationships, and to reproduce.

All these emotions have the potential to get stuck by our free will not to express it. We might actually have a good reason to do so - What if expressing your anger would make you lose your job! However, emotions always release strong hormones in the body (and other chemicals) that can be harmful for the body if stored for too long. To release emotions you need what I call emotional release.